Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Free Stopwatch 2.7 has been released

Changes in version 2.7:

  • New: Translations of the UI into Bulgarian, Serbian and Japanese languages.
  • Fixed: Issue with storing setting.
  • Some other bug fixes and improvements.
Download: Free Stopwatch


  1. Can we add a feature to the floating window to display the time elapsed since the last lap, instead of the time elapsed since the stopwatch began counting?

  2. Yes, I want to have this feature too.
    We used this program to control language learning to create motivation.
    But after drill to push the button is too hard, it takes time and attention.
    Could you make hot key for "Lap" function, please?
    I wish "Space" key.
    I and all my students will be very grateful!

  3. I think it would be very useful if floating window would be smaller or if there would be an option to choose the size of the floating window. I suppose it isnt hard to add that option and would be very useful.


  4. Cool tool! Thanks!

    One question: does the Free Stopwatch hide in the system tray when closed?

    If it does, I can't find it. If it does not, can it be done?


    1. Free Stopwatch doesn't have an icon in the system tray.

    2. Please consider adding tray icon to Free Stopwatch. Thanks.

      Curios - when it quits, it totally disappear from the system. When I start it again, it seems to continue.

      Could you confirm that?
